Ian and Pru Pearce
Curious to learn how to halve your water usage by watering more regularly? Ian and Pru Pearce at Stoneleigh Orchard have done just that, as well as embraced other techniques that have helped their business become more sustainable and resilient. Open to new tech tools? See how the Pearce’s benefited by partnering with NSW DPI to install sensors in the soil and within the orchard canopy, for risk mitigation through tracking and monitoring of humidity, water use and weather conditions. During the 2019/2020 drought, Stoneleigh Orchard was at severe risk of not being able to source irrigation water. However, the Pearce’s willingness to be open to change allowed them to adopt practices such as irrigation modification, mulch and hail netting that helped reduce temperature fluctuation, conserve moisture and increase water use efficiency. Tune in to be inspired and learn how Stoneleigh Orchard has implemented adaptation strategies to create a more climate resilient and viable business. For the full story https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/stories/ip... The #FarmerStories series explores the diverse impacts of #ClimateChange and farmers own experiences in practically adapting their land, systems and businesses. NSW DPI understands that successful adaptations will vary between locations, industries and business. For more information contact DPI Officer Matthew Pierce matt.pierce@dpi.nsw.gov.au